Yes, there is no age limit. However a child over 2 years of age will need to sit in their own seat.
We offer one flight with a single seat (Hopper Helicopter Tour) and have specific timeslots to accommodate passengers flying alone.
Children 7 or younger pay 50% when flying with 2 full-paying adults. Children 8 and older are charged as a full paying adult.
You will need to arrive 30-45mins minutes prior to flight departure, at our offices in the V&A Waterfront. We are situated at the Heliport in the V&A Waterfront.
With all our flights, we fly the route and not time. Our cruising speed is approx. 180 km/h and we do not "speed" or cut corners. All our pilots are trained to fly the same route and fly pass specific points of interest.
Our fleet currently consists of 7 different helicopters. If you are 1 – 3 people you will likely fly in a Robinson R44 helicopter offering great views. When you are 4 - 6 passengers you will fly in an Airbus H120, H130, Bell Longranger and H125, accommodating 1 - 2 in the front and 3 - 4 in the back.
All helicopters have weight limitations, for either seat or combined weight and it is very important for us to know the weights of all passengers in the case where you might believe that you will be on the heavy side. Below is a quick breakdown of the weight limitation for the different type of helicopters that you can use to see if you are within the limitations.
It is always best to call first before you come for your flight if the weather is not looking ideal. We will be able to make an accurate decision on the day if flights will proceed as per normal or if we will change routes or reschedule your flight. In the case where we cannot reschedule your flight and cannot fly you at all we will refund your money 100%.
Table Mountain is the very first thing you will see after take-off on any route and you will see it again on the return part before landing. No, we cannot land on Table Mountain and we do not fly over Table Mountain. Table Mountain is one of the 7 Wonders of the world and a National Park, we therefore cannot fly close to it, land on it or fly over it.
We can fly to Robben Island and fly you around the island (Robben Island Heli Tour). We do fly and land on Robben Island upon special request only, which will include a private Robben Island Tour.
The best way to pay is by making your booking online and paying by card through our online payment portal. This way your flight is secure you do not have to worry about cards not working on the day or carrying around a large amount of cash.
Remember to bring your camera and have a fresh set of batteries on hand with an extra memory card if you love taking pictures. Refreshments are available for purchase at the Front Desk.
If you are serious about taking pictures, wear dark clothes as these will reflect less of the windows. The temperature inside the helicopter is very similar to that on the outside. The temperature will only drop by 1-2°C the higher we go and a jacket is not always needed.
Not by helicopter, but we do offer a complimentary collection service within the CBD. Please email or call us on +27214189462 to arrange a collection. If you have any other questions please feel free to email us and we will gladly assist. Pick-ups are automatically scheduled 30 mins prior to the flight time, unless CTH has contacted guests to reschedule.
If you cancel with in 48 hours of the flight, there is a 50% cancellation fee and if you cancel within 24 hours, there is a 100% cancellation fee.
Unfortunately you are unable to reserve seats as we need to do a weight and balance before the flight, which will determine where everyone sits.
If you do not book an exclusive flight, there is a big possibility that there will be other passengers flying with you.
Unfortunately we are unable to land on or fly over Table Mountain as it is a nature reserve.